Thirty years' experience of delivering highly tailored bespoke training in business contexts ensures that courses are targeted directly to needs. Language skills are integrated seamlessly with intercultural awareness and operational requirements, and always leverage material from the participant's own environment.
For all sizes of companies from multinationals to SMEs, institutions, and professional bodies, primarily executive levels.
Delivered via video conference platforms or in person on client premises or at dedicated locations.
To browse some case studies of past training assignments see the menu on the left.
Taking all directors of a luxury packaging company from beginner to operational level (over a period of 6 years)
Training and linguistic support for an agrochemicals firm and its key executives moving from domestic only to international exports, incorporating foreign subsidiaries and new staff when hired (15 years)
Multi-year project for trainers of air traffic controllers (French Ministry of the Interior)
Language audit prior to large-scale training plan (whole company including subsidiaries)
Legal drafting for the in-house counsel of an international seed company
Coaching for a crucial Group press conference with UK and international journalists